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About Us


The Alpha-SYC International Kindergarten (ASYC) was founded in 2009 by an experienced Singapore educator (an ex-principal from the HCMC Singapore International School) to serve the residents of Binh Tan District, especially those living in the vicinity of Vinh Loc area.

ASYC provides quality Vietnamese preschool education within an international setting at an affordable fee. We supplement the local preschool curriculum with pedagogy and practices from around the world and especially from Singapore. This brings a global influence to our school environment. It widens the child's perspective so that she learns at a young age that there is a great big world out there. At the same time, the Vietnamese language and culture is preserved through the use of Vietnamese as the main language of teaching. English is taught as an introduction to a foreign language.

ASYC teachers emphasize Vietnamese values and cultural practices during lessons. For example, students are taught to greet teachers and elders in the traditional Vietnamese way. You receive something with two hands. In this way, we assure parents that the roots of the Vietnamese culture are not ignored or forgotten when we introduce a child to lands and cultures beyond Vietnam.





















English as a Foreign Language

English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is taught as an introduction to the language. Our lessons incorporate the learning of the alphabet and numbers, vocabulary, songs, dances and games. The objective is to have our children realize that learning a foreign language is fun and to encourage them to develop their interest in the English Language.


In addition, ASYC has also introduced ENGLISH CRAYON, a very engaging English preschool curriculum as an enrichment programme for parents who wish to further their children's learning of the language. We selected ENGLISH CRAYON because of its varied high-quality teacher and student resources.


The video below shows the details that go into the preparation of resources for just one lesson. It includes a beautifully printed "My Name is Brie" book that is embedded with technology which enables the PlayPen to "read" to the child.






Our Philosophy

A Home @ School
That pretty much sums up our philosophy - to make school a second home not just for our students but for our staff as well. At ASYC, you'll find love, care, good food, safety and security.

Our Curriculum

We follow the Vietnam MOET preschool curriculum and add value by incorporating international themes, EFL, aerobics and music lessons. We keep ourselves current on international preschool educational developments to remain relevant.

Our Standard

As our founder is from Singapore, we benchmark ourselves against the SPARK framework from Singapore to be a pre-school of choice and excellence. The Singapore Pre-school Accreditation Framework (SPARK) is a quality assurance framework to help preschools in Singapore raise their quality and standard.

Our Partners

ASYC joins professional preschool associations in order to keep abreast of developments in preschool education around the world. We are members of AECES (Association for Early Childhood Educators Singapore) and ACEI (Association for Childhood Education International).


We also partner international education companies such as KIZ-M to tap on their expertise. English Crayon is developed in the US by KIZ-M, Korea.

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